A young woman is transported from the city to the wilderness. She adjusts to her strange neighbors and the chaos of the forest, but a pair of mysterious twin girls taunts her to return home. Written by mortician Caitlin Doughty and Produced by Rachel Wolther, The Animals was my first foray into fiction filmmaking and marks the start of my work as a director of narrative cinema.

Runtime: 13:26
Languages: English, French
HD Video, Color, Stereo
Directed by Angeline Gragasin
Written by Caitlin Doughty
Produced by Rachel Wolther
Languages: English, French
HD Video, Color, Stereo
Directed by Angeline Gragasin
Written by Caitlin Doughty
Produced by Rachel Wolther
Angeline Gragasin
Chase McGuire
Lisa Royère
Kelly Royère
Tom Gillis
Jesse Millward
Angeline Gragasin
Chase McGuire
Lisa Royère
Kelly Royère
Tom Gillis
Jesse Millward
Cinematography by Meredith Zielke
Production Design by Meredith Ries
Edited by Alex MacKenzie
Costume Design by Abby Walton
Production Sound Mix by Beau Fannon
Sound Design & Mix by Dave Kaduk
Visual Effects by Rebecca Berdel
Title Design by Jordan Marzuki
Production Design by Meredith Ries
Edited by Alex MacKenzie
Costume Design by Abby Walton
Production Sound Mix by Beau Fannon
Sound Design & Mix by Dave Kaduk
Visual Effects by Rebecca Berdel
Title Design by Jordan Marzuki
Filmed in Los Angeles and Topanga, CA, USA in 2012
Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
French Institute of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Souvenirs From Earth TV Broadcast on Orange S.A., France
Souvenirs From Earth TV Broadcast on UnityMedia and Kabel BW, Germany
Souvenirs From Earth TV Broadcast on TelevisoKabel Eins, Austria
Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
French Institute of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Souvenirs From Earth TV Broadcast on Orange S.A., France
Souvenirs From Earth TV Broadcast on UnityMedia and Kabel BW, Germany
Souvenirs From Earth TV Broadcast on TelevisoKabel Eins, Austria